Saturday, January 5, 2013

Which Fear Next?

Good morning everyone.

Danny didn't wake up at 3 again, but because I had to stay up so late doing laundry, I couldn't fall asleep til about 1:30. He woke up at about 6:30, in turn waking me up and giving me a pounding migraine.

This tends to be a recurring thing with me.

So I got him changed, grabbed his sippy, and since he was still rubbing his eyes like he didn't want to wake up yet, I put him back down in his crib, turned off the lights, and played his lullaby book.

And then he screamed bloody murder for about 10 minutes.


My aunt came rushing in, saw me clutching my head, and told me to go back to sleep; she had this.

I love my aunt, I really do.

Another 15 minutes later she comes waltzing in again, asking where the diapers are. Silly lady, I already changed him, he's fine, shut the door please, kthx.

Fell back asleep.

Thank God.

And then I was rudely interrupted.

My uncle comes barging in, not realizing how loud his voice was, and screamed for me to get up and take care of my brat because they were leaving in five minutes and I needed to get my lazy ass out of bed.


I have never seen my aunt hit a person, but she sure as fuck smacked him. :D

My aunt told me, when I first moved in, that if it ever came down to it and she had to choose between me and her husband, I would always come first. She's not like, in love with him. She's pretty much with him so she won't feel alone.


I can understand that very much, that's like every relationship I've had since I was 14.

>_> Don't tell anybody I said that.

I will hunt you down, and I will skin you alive.

Tempt me; I dare you.

Anyway, because of his mental state slipping over the years, she's essentially just waiting for him to get too far gone to leave him home alone. She plans to get him into assisted living after that, and just stay in the house alone.

:3 I told her we'd always be here to help take care of her, so she wouldn't feel so alone.


Anyway, that was around 8:30. Danny's looking like he feels a little better, though not by much. At least he slept well, I think that's what helped the most, but he's still a little fussy.

Yeah, babies are, in general, fussy things. But not Danny. He's always so laid back and independent, that for him to be even remotely fussy means something's seriously up.

Gave him some baby tylenol, took our shower (sang ADTR songs to him; he loves it when I sing super loud and shower acoustics are BOMB), and now he's taking a nap. It's a quarter to 11. Today may just end up being a two nap day, though the likelihood of that is super slim because he hasn't taken two naps in months. But his naps are like, 2-3 hours long, so it evens out in the long run.

He's just so spunky!


I can't decide which Fear to do next.

So I need input!

If there's a particular one you like, or one you'd really like to see me post about, please leave a comment below. Otherwise, I'm gonna end up picking at random.

... >_> Did you know coffee is a diarrhetic? My aunt taught me that.


Okay, leave comments, will post tonight!


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