Sunday, December 16, 2012

Third Fear: The Cold Boy

I don't know how long I'm gonna have... I put Danny down for bed, and he's fighting it like a fiend. Fought me tooth and nail trying to get his Elmo jammies on, fought even harder against the two pairs of socks and the slippers, and battled most valiantly against the helmet. I think most of his gumption's gone, he's pretty quiet, but every few minutes I hear a little whine over the monitor. He should fall asleep fairly quickly, he was pretty floppy when I picked him up and kept rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Second Fear: The Smiling Man

Okay, I have to do this fast before Danny decides to get fussy... It's creeping up on bedtime, and he tends to get a little crazy right about now.

So! Second Fear we'll be discussing is The Smiling Man.

Oh, how exciting!

Yay, a follower!