Monday, January 14, 2013

Day After Crazy Weekend!

Hello! I have returned to a computer! :D

Which is good, I hate trying to type on my iPod.

My thumbs are stupid, and have a hard time typing on it.

Yet I want an iPhone? xD

The weekend was fun, though. I mean, it could have been better, but it could have been much worse.

I wanted to clarify a little bit about James.

So, the reason he didn't respond to my message: he thought I was being snarky about not wanting to be FB friends. Which, y'know, I guess I kind of was, but I was being honest nonetheless.

We talked, a lot, about everything that went wrong during the pregnancy and since. And he really wanted me to make it clear on here that he still loves me, and he will always love me, even when I get mad and we stop talking and stuff. He's sick and tired of his fiance, Anna, telling him how to interact with me. Our friendship was perfect before she stuck her nose in it, which, I learned, happened much sooner than I thought it did. He misses his best friend, and the only person who's ever made him actually feel good about himself.


... And the sex was good. ^w^

I can't help myself!

I'm sorry!

He's just... so damn good at it! xD

There's a reason we had a kid together, y'know. Other than lack of protection during Tequila Rock Band.

I like tequila... :3

So, yeah. We're no longer fighting. And I guess we're technically cheating on Anna.

I'm okay with that.

Oh, yeah, James has always been a cheater. He's pretty much a nymphomaniac.

I'm quite serious about that.

It never bothered me, because I knew about it ahead of time and frankly, I'm not a whole lot better on that front. I mean, I can NOT cheat, but I have a hard time staying committed. Y'know, bad past and whatnot. I'm kind of a commitment-phobe. That's why I don't mind James' cheating.

Honestly, we've always had such an open relationship, it's just never been an issue between us.

Take that as you will, I don't care much what you think about it. We're finally happy again, and that's what counts.

My aunt made a comment on New Year's, saying that the last year was so bad for me, this new one just has to get better.

^w^ She was so right!

I'm finally happy.

I have my best friend back, Danny has his daddy again, everybody still hates Anna, I met Jordan (<3), I'm getting my ducks in a row...

Now to get over my fear of being away from Danny, and I'll be able to work again.

I just want a part-time job. Maybe waitressing? I can do that. I have before. And, once I have a car, I know the Applebee's by Gizmo's place is hiring. Then I could have him babysit!


I just got excited. :3

I should run this by Giz, see what he thinks. ^w^

Anyway, everyone loved the cake I made.

Never made a double layered cake before.

Apparently I'm an awesome baker/cook. :D

That also makes me happy.

Oh man, I'm just so fucking happy, it's ridiculous!

My plan for the day here is to get all our laundry done (I'm washing sheets, too, so it'll take longer), eat that last slice of birthday cake (IT IS SO FUCKING DELICIOUS!!!), draw that picture I planned for Jordan, and write a Fear post.

I think we'll do The Convocation. That one's pretty creepy. :3

Alrighty kids, I've got things to get done. Will post later.

SIDE NOTE! I have a Tumblr now, that I can easily update from my iPod. It will be filled with random thought bubbles, because I'm cool like that. If you're more interested in reading my crazy, it's here. I'm gonna try and tone down the more personal stuff on here by putting it there. I don't know how many people are rightfully interested in anything I have to say, but eh. What the hell, yeah?

In the meantime... I made a pizza! :D