Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Sorry for not posting. I got frustrated with a washing machine last night.

And I got chewed out for "hiding" in the basement, on the computer.

So today Danny and I are watching tv upstairs.

... Well, ok, I'M watching tv right now. He's napping. Watching Being Human (US) from the beginning, since I haven't seen it bur I like the newer episodes I've managed to catch.

I love Netflix, especially 'cause my dad pays for it. :3

So, yeah! After Danny goes to bed tonight, I can do a post on The Convocation. Until then, I'm chilling out on the couch. WITH NUTELLA COOKIES I MADE. :D

Jordan updated Rapture. Like, revamped quite a bit. If you haven't read it yet, do so. It's worth it. If you have, read it again, there are changes.

I have no complaints so far.

Tomorrow, after our doc appointments, Danny and I will be spending the night at Gizmo's, so we may be with James and have real family time.

I am bringing Tangled. :3

... And condoms. xD

Which reminds me, I have nothing... er... "nice" to wear.

I'm such a nervous wreck, I want to look... well, sexy, I guess, for a change. I want to... feel... pretty?

I mean, I know James thinks I'm pretty.

Hell, Jordan thinks I'm pretty, which really does sound nice to my ears (well, eyes), but gets garbled in my head.


Fuck, there was a point to this.

I WILL DO A FEAR POST TONIGHT. If not on a computer, then fuck it, I'll email it like I am this one.

Later guys.