Sunday, December 16, 2012

Second Fear: The Smiling Man

Okay, I have to do this fast before Danny decides to get fussy... It's creeping up on bedtime, and he tends to get a little crazy right about now.

So! Second Fear we'll be discussing is The Smiling Man.

Smiling Man
The Grinning Man, STALKER, Rosebud, Sisyphus, The Rapturous, Loverboy, Lovers, The Suitor, The Gardener, Carrot Top, False Eyes, Rictus, The Dancer, PRE 22

So. Smiling Man. Okay. Well, as his name says, dude's got a huuuuge grin. Like, impossibly huge. Like, there is no way that mouth fits on that face without breaking logic.

Which it does.

This Fear is kind of odd. He selects his victim, generally a female, late teens - early 20's (though this isn't always the case, he will sometimes go after males or people of different age groups), and proceeds to stalk them. Oh boy! Stalker fun! It starts out kind of cute; the victim will receive a bouquet of flowers from a "secret admirer." Awww. Then he starts to follow them. Like, around town, they'll start to spot this random guy. He's not doing anything, just standing there, like, on the other side of the street, and like, just staring at them.

A lot of like's.

But he gets closer... And closer... And closer... (insert Jaws theme here)

No one really knows what happens to Smiling Man's victims. There aren't a lot of reports of victims being found, and those who are have been so traumatized by the event they can hardly utter a sensible sentence without sounding nonsensical.

Aha, play on words! I'm having way too much fun with this, and not putting enough effort in. Cut me some slack, all my data's on the laptop and that's STILL in the shop. :/

Anyway, this Fear does have a distinct physical appearance. He has thick, red hair; red red red hair. And what's pretty much described as "impossible" eyes. I don't know, I guess if you look into them, you go crazy? I don't know if there are really eyes there, or black holes where the eyes should be or what the hell. I just know that looking into his eyes is a bad idea. Like I'd said before, his mouth is... too big. It extends BEYOND his face. Imagine a child's drawing of a person, where the drawn smile sometimes extends beyond the drawn face.

It's like that. But it'll kill you.

Supposedly Smiling Man knows the Language of Flowers. Yes, it's an actual language. So to speak. It's the reason women are supposed to think LONG AND HARD about the flowers they pick for their wedding bouquet. Different flowers mean different things. Look, just follow that link, it explains it all and I'm way too lazy to go into too much detail here. But I guess he picks different flowers for different people? That's what I've read, anyway.

Oh, and this guy's Fortress of Solitude? The Flower Fields. Legit. Not much of a surprise, seeing as he brings you... Y'know... Flowers. The Flower Fields is pretty much an endless... Oh god, seriously, do I have to explain this bit? Come on. Use your head. What do you think THE FLOWER FIELDS is? Now, the off-putting part about it is the smell. While the smell of the flowers is strong (in this one), there's a secondary smell. An underlying smell. A smell that will make your nose go, "What the fuck is that shit?"

It smells like death.

At least, that's what I've gathered.

And if you're looking for a way to escape Smiling Man?

You're screwed.

Good thing I'm not a pretty, or vain, girl. :D I'm much more interested in watching Danny play with the home phone. He's so enthralled by this thing that makes noises and talks to him! I'm going to die of cuteness overload, seriously. xD

Okay, next Fear is The Cold Boy. Look for it within the next hour. As always, leave questions and comments below, or email me. I promise I don't bite! Well, not too hard, anyway. ;)

Toodles! ^_~v

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