Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh, how exciting!

Yay, a follower!

And it's DJay23! ^_________^

HELLO! I've read most of your blogs/posts and I really enjoyed a lot of them! I'm so happy to see you here! You're a very good writer (albiet I'm a stickler for English, I still liked your work), and you have no idea how seriously excited I am to see you following me!

Anywho, for the rest of anybody who reads this...

I'll be getting to a post in about an hour, hour and a half. Danny's gotta go to bed before I can really get going. I'm trying to look up where to find a toy... Well, a specific toy of his.

Back story: My aunt and uncle have three dogs. Buddy, a two year old Rat Terrier/Australian Cattle Dog mix who chews EVERYTHING, DG (yes, named after the female protagonist of Tin Man; my aunt is seriously that cool. We just call her DJ though), a 5 year old wire-hair Fox Terrier with the bitchiest attitude, and Molly, a 14 year old Papillon with 6 teeth.

Buddy got Danny's Lion.

This is Lion.


Mind you, Buddy only got his two bottom feet, and managed not to rip them to shreds, just tear them halfway through so there's a long gash in both feet. Danny doesn't mind, but I know it's going to be a hassle when he gets older, and it'll break his heart if his feet fall off, so I'm trying to find a replacement. My mom got him at Walmart almost a year ago. It was his first toy, and the only toy he snuggles with at night. I mean, he's got plenty other plush toys, and even an elephant just like Lion with crinkle material on its belly, but Danny will only calm down and relax with Lion.

I have to find a replacement. I just have to. :/

But that's my problem.

Oh, I forgot I said I'd post a video of Danny. Well, I realized this morning when I went to get the digital camera that I'd left the memory stick in the laptop.

Yeah, the one in the shop.

So that's not gonna work. But I can pull a few pics off the Facey-Bookers for you guys! 

Ready for a photo bomb? :D

"Oh hi there!"
His "gangsta" pose. :3
See, here he is with Lion.
Hahaha, he seriously did that pose all by himself! xD
And a cute pic of the two of us. :3
Sorry this one's so fuzzy, but he was covered in chocolate. And I was laughing too hard.

So there you have it. A wonderful photobomb of my little munchkin man. :3 I promise to get more up soon.

And since he's been so good while we've been down here in the "office," I think I'll be able to do a quick post of The Smiling Man for you guys. Give me just a few minutes... I'm a fast typer...


  1. I don't know what you meant by "albeit I'm a stickler for English, I still liked your work;" English is something I'm very passionate about and try my best to write properly. xD

    You have a very adorable son!

  2. There are a few errors, a missed word once in a while, but it's nothing major. lol You are a very good writer, though, and I can't wait to read OGTRIB! Oh, have you played the RPG? I want to download it so bad, though with my uncle being all... weird, I'm sure if I was to download it, he'd flip a tit. :/ Is it any good?

    ^_^ Thank you! He's such a sweetheart. I love the pic on the beach. It'd make an awesome meme pic, but I can't think of a phrase to use.

    Oh, I started reading The Jeanette Experience. I guess it's still going? What other blogs would you recommend? I want to get into the vlogs, but I'm such a pansy... I get too scared to watch and pause the player the minute something spooky happens or I think it's going to happen. xD It's crazy, because I love scary movies and stuff, but the suspense just freaks me out!

  3. I tend to not edit my blogs, so errors tend to be a lack of proofreading. Actually, occasionally I intentionally make errors for stylistic purposes (maybe the character I'm writing wouldn't spell words right, or maybe if added in the right place typos can make words entirely different and suggest a whole different motif). But Rapture is a story I've edited more than anything else so hopefully you'll see less errors there. Then again, it IS considerably larger than most Fear stories, so there's bound to be many errors I've overlooked. xD
    I feel the need to mention that the majority of Fears are in Rapture, so if you're ever wondering about a certain Fear, chances are you'll see them in the story.

    I have played the RPG, though I've only played an outdated version. I made a three-part LP of it on YouTube. It's good as long as you go into it expecting the Fears to be silly; I was expecting them to be creepy and was wholly disappointed. xD

    I haven't read The Jeanette Experience yet, though I've certainly read more than my fair share of other Fearblogs. Blogs I would recommend are In the Shuffling Madness, Ontological, And When The Sky Was Opened, I Am Not Insane, Over the River, Penny Dropped, and Mephi. I definitely recommend Mephi. Though I still suggest reading OGTRIB before Mephi, if only out of jealousy. I love Omega, the writer of Mephi, but I'd rather you be a Rapture fan than a Mephi fan. ;D

  4. lol @ jealousy! xD

    See, I'm weird. I get such a kick out of my own thoughts, I reread everything I write, just so I can laugh at myself again. Am I narcissistic? Probably. Does that make me a bad person? Oh, more than likely. Does that mean I catch every error I make? You bet your sweet buns, bucko. :D

    I finally convinced myself to download it, and OH MY GOD THERE IS NO ORDER TO THIS THING!!! xD I'm running around trying to figure out where to go and I end up at the doc's first, then um... Oh, where did I go next... Um... I don't even remember? xD I can't defeat The Eye though! I keep getting my ass handed to me! I didn't expect it to be scary, I saw the pics on the fear wiki and if anything, it's adorable. :3 I tried watching your youtube vid, but this desktop... I tell you... I want to stab it with a sledgehammer.

    Yes, I know sledgehammers don't stab.

    Watch me make it happen. O_O

    I just finished The Jeanette Experience, started to read the companion blog Runneth Over, got sucked up into the RPG... >_> I have the attention span of a goldfish sometimes. I have Ontological, And When The Sky Was Opened, and Mephi on my list of blogs to read, but frankly, I'd be much happier reading Rapture. Someone should tell Tumblr to fix their mobile shits so I don't have to work so hard to read it on my iPod. D: I'm too lazyyyy!
