Sunday, December 16, 2012

Third Fear: The Cold Boy

I don't know how long I'm gonna have... I put Danny down for bed, and he's fighting it like a fiend. Fought me tooth and nail trying to get his Elmo jammies on, fought even harder against the two pairs of socks and the slippers, and battled most valiantly against the helmet. I think most of his gumption's gone, he's pretty quiet, but every few minutes I hear a little whine over the monitor. He should fall asleep fairly quickly, he was pretty floppy when I picked him up and kept rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Freaking madder than a hoot owl at my uncle, though. I'll get to that when we're done.

I promised two Fear posts, so here we go. Second spooky post tonight. w00t!

The Cold Boy
CHILD, Glass, Frost, Cryme, PRE 08 (not a lot of nicknames for this midget, eh?)

Well, this one's fairly straight-forward. The Cold Boy.

I'm gonna be honest, after the whole Sandy Hook Elementary thing out in CT... Just thinking about a little boy, cold and alone, really makes me sad...
Oh God, if I start crying again, I'm seriously going to freak out. D:


There once was a man from Nantucket...

Distraction time over.

Okay, so, Cold Boy. Well, he's a little boy, between the ages of 6 and 12. He usually only shows up if you're alone, though he may deviate a bit from this. Dunno his hair color, it's never really mentioned, or his usual skin color. I guess it's blue? Once his true nature is revealed, things change. You can't see his face. It's like he's made of ice. First-hand accounts describe his face as "looking at a blurred polaroid." Which, if you know anything about ice, is what stuff IN ice looks like. It looks distorted and wrong.

The Cold Boy sings nursery rhymes to his victims. You know what a nursery rhyme is. Sometimes they're old, sometimes he makes them up (or so I think, can't find anything on a few I've read). In a few stories, he'll speak like a little boy without rhyming, but it's not very common. He does select his victims with a common trait; they're antisocial, loner types, people who push friends and family away, people who intentionally isolate themselves because they think nobody cares or loves them or wahwahwahemoemoemowhinewhinewhine.

Those kind of people... Yeah, I have no patience for that shit. Sorry.

Anyway, he lures them in with the idea of no longer being alone, then either takes them or freezes them to the core. Giant icicle-person. Now, I don't know if the icicle shatters or it stays there or what, I haven't heard anything about frozen peoples lying around. It's kind of odd.

You'll know he's near when the air gets cold. ... Though that should be a given, figured I ought to mention that. He makes everything around him cold.


Fortress of Solitude: The Winter Court.
So... Pretty much he lives in a frozen dimension?

Have you seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? Remember when the ice age came on and everyone was all like OHHOLYSHITITSFUCKINGFREEZINGOMGOMG*dead*? Yeah. Picture that. That's what I understand, anyway. Everything's made of ice, with sculptures and shit and buildings and stuff... There's one thing that's not frozen, and that's the Winter's Heart. It's the center of the dimension, I guess? Like, Cold Boy's palace or something. It's where his true self can be seen, though the only people who have seen it are his proxies (who knew he had proxies??), and they've only seen it once; that's what started the proxy-fying, supposedly. Made their eyes turn black and whatnot. Crazy shit, yo.

This is another instance where there's no way to stop this frozen midget. Either you die, or... You die. Tada. Though, like all little boys, he doesn't have a large attention span, and if you can make him bored, SUPPOSEDLY (!!!) he'll end up leaving you alone to find a more entertaining victim. But this hasn't been verified, so if you blame me for dying at his hand, you're an idiot.

Okie-dokie. Well, I knew Danny would fall asleep, and of course, he did. Peace at last...

Kind of. My aunt wants me to finish the Christmas cookies. I'm so freaking exhausted, though, I don't even want to LOOK at another gingerbread man. D: DON'T MAKE ME DO IT, OH GOD PLEASE, NO MORE CONVECTIONAL BAKING!!!

I told her I'd finish tomorrow. I'm way too exhausted to dick with cinnamon buttons.


So, my uncle's mother, who is even more bat-shit crazy than he is, bought Danny a blue tub. Like, those round tubs with the rope handles? Yeah. All blue and stuff. She bought it for him to keep his toys in. AWESOME! Though, his toys were in the entertainment center under the TV, and the only reason that was a problem was because my uncle's an idiot and thought the hinges on the entertainment center's little doors wouldn't hold Danny's weight even though I proved they could and he was just being a whiny little shit about it. God damn son of a freaking biscuit... THE MAN DRIVES ME INSANE WITH HIS INABILITY TO UNDERSTAND LOGIC. Seriously.

So, blue tub.

My uncle was watching the game (football, forgot who was playing GO PACKERS YAY!) when he heard an "annoying" noise. It was obviously coming from Danny's tub.

Now, I want you to seriously think about this.

If you heard an annoying noise coming from something, what would you do?

Would you find the thing and turn it off?

I would.

My uncle did not.



Jesus Christ on a God damned crutch...

I come upstairs to get Danny ready for bed, and upon being unable to enter our room, he decides to recount this event to us from his spot on the couch, where he's been most of the day. Where he kicked me off while I was eating my dinner. Where he made us (me and Danny) leave his toys, so he could watch HIS shows "without interruptions."


If only it weren't illegal to pistol-whip people...


We've got a doctor's appointment with the orthotist (the doctor who gave Danny his helmet) tomorrow, gotta make sure his head's doing good and stuffs. So we're taking my aunt to work. Leave here at 7, be back by 8, out the door at 9:15, at the appointment by 10. Oh boy!

While we were out shopping today, I checked Walmart for his Lion, and found the Walmart in St. Paul has 15 of this toy's brand in stock. They don't list specific models, since it's one of those things that hangs from the shelves so they don't keep tabs on it. It's worth a shot, though, so we're going to make a stop there after our appointment. I'm PRAYING LIKE CRAZY they have another Lion. It'll break my heart to have to throw Danny's favorite toy away... :'(

The point I was getting at is, well, I need sleep. I was so exhausted today, I ended up passing out on my bed at about 1. Not even on purpose. Danny woke me up at half past 2, since he was napping, but I've felt so tired since... I'm pretty much propelling myself on Mountain Dew and cookies.


I think tomorrow we'll do The Unnamed Girl. She makes me sad. :( I think it's the whole being-a-mom thing; all these kid things are just yanking at my heartstrings. So we'll do the little girl next.

Goodnight blogosphere, and sweet dreams. ;D

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