Monday, December 17, 2012

Fourth Fear: The Unnamed Girl

I learned today that one of the children from the CT shootings, a little girl, had family here in the Twin Cities. Grandparents.

According to them, they'd talked with her that morning, and she was trying to convince her mom to let her wear a dress to school. A pink little party dress. She wanted to look pretty, they were celebrating the holidays in class. Her mom finally relented and let her wear the dress to school.

She was killed in a pink party dress. Her favorite dress.

As my aunt said, "She looked beautiful for Jesus that day."


And then I bawled. :'(

Which reminded me to do this post, oddly enough.

(Sorry, I wanted to do this sooner, but Comcast decided to be douchebags and shut off our services, claiming we owed them more money. My aunt had me do the payment through my iPod, so now I'm here. Danny's in bed, I feel like crap, and let's get on with the post.)

The Unnamed Girl
The Unnamed Child, The Lost Girl, Precious, Darling, The Daughter of All, OFFSPRING, Little Nameless

Okay, so information on her isn't exactly perfect, and since the laptop's STILL IN THE FREAKING SHOP, I don't have all my data available. We're mostly going off memory again, so bear with me.

This Fear shows itself as a little girl, between the ages of 6 and 10 (or maybe 12? I dunno, she's like The Cold Boy here). She doesn't speak, yet her victims just know what she needs. From what I've read, she usually targets parents, though she has been known to target others as well. She pretty much sucks up all the victim's attention, like a whirlpool; it starts out with the victim finding her and trying to help her find her parents. When that leads nowhere, they decide to take care of her til family is found. Slowly she begins to absorb all their thoughts, making them want to bend to her will, to do everything they possibly can to make her happy and safe. Not that she's in jeopardy, they literally make up hazards in their mind that she COULD fall prey to and become consumed with her well-being. And, once her victim's every thought is about her...

She vanishes.

The victim is left to wander the earth, looking for this little girl. Most never find her, but the ones who do...

Well, it's said if you find her again, she'll whisper something into your ear. No one knows what it is, whether it's her true name or what, but whatever it is, it's like, prolific. And then you lose your name. You become erased from history. These victims, the ones who find her, are known as The Nameless. I don't know what happens to them after that, there's not a lot on that note.

The off-putting thing about The Unnamed Girl, though, is her appearance.

To her victims, she's the most adorable child they've ever seen. Perfect in every way.

To others, there's just... something off... Something not quite right with the way she looks. It's not described terribly well. She just looks... wrong.

Even worse, if the victim has children, either they will be neglected and (usually) the other parent will run off with them, get them away from her and her victim under the pretense that something's wrong with the victim, or...

She kills them.

There are reports of her suffocating the victim's children, generally in their sleep.

And the victim doesn't even care.

As for her Fortress of Solitude, I haven't found anything saying she has one. I'm sure there's information somewhere, and if DJay would happen to know about it (hi!), it'd be awesome to get that tidbit here.

The spiral into her crazy descent is kind of slow. It really does vary from person to person, and I haven't found anything on how to stop it. Once again, once you're in her thrall, you're S.O.L. buddy. But at least I haven't heard about her killing her victims directly. I guess that makes her a little less insane than the other Fears? Or maybe not, since she drives them into insanity.

Oh joy.

So the orthotist appointment went well! The differential between the two diagonals of Danny's head was 13 mm. That may not sound like a lot, but it's pretty severe in medical terms. Since he got his helmet about a month ago, he's now at 10 mm.

That's a BIG improvement!! :D Yaaaay!!

I couldn't find Lion, though. :(

I even asked the store manager at the Walmart on University, and she couldn't find it anywhere in the back. She said that sometimes happens, that the store info stuff will say one store has this one thing, when in reality it's nowhere to be found. But at least she was nice enough to look. I ended up getting him a different toy.
He picked it. It's a Fisher Price toy, from an app I have on my iPod called The Giggle Gang. It's name is Kiwi. I let him pick between this one, the orange one, or the blue one. I forget the other names, you can find it online. It's cute, though. When you squeeze it (it has a giggle box inside), it makes all these different baby gurgle giggles. :3 So freaking cute!

... There's no off switch, though. I discovered this when I tried to shut it off.


Smooth move, Tasha...

At least it shuts off after a few minutes of inactivity. That's handy, I guess. Hopefully my uncle won't bitch about it. If he does, I may have to chew him a new one.

Oh, I had a panic attack today.

I didn't think it was worth mentioning, but I suppose I might as well.

I have anxiety/depression.

No, not that postpartum depression shit.

I've had this for over 15 years, though I wasn't diagnosed til I was 12, when I was caught self-harming myself. And then my mother had a conniption and I swear I thought I was going to have to either seriously consider killing myself or stabbing her in the eye.

I've never been suicidal. That would just be stupid. Why bother killing yourself? I mean, seriously, nobody's life is really THAT damn bad. I mean, yeah, shit happens, and life sucks, and blahblahblah, but there's always something to live for.




To be fair, I seriously contemplated suicide when I was pregnant. I could never do it, though. Not with a living being inside of me, y'know? So I didn't do it. Then right after Danny was born, I thought about it again. At that point, I had a week to find a place for us to live (we were going to be evicted, long story) and he was so sick and I didn't know if I could be a mom and his father didn't give a rat's ass...

But how could I leave something so perfect?

He needed me. He needed me to be strong. And strong I stayed, as much as I could.

I stayed strong until we moved in with my aunt. I stayed strong until I didn't need to be strong anymore.

And then I lost it.


You know, I think I'll save this story for another post. Not to leave you on a cliffhanger or nothing, but it's half past 8 and I haven't been feeling well.


I love when my aunt comes downstairs and tells me Danny's been screaming his bloody head off for the past hour. O_O I swear I turned the monitor on! I swear I did! Honest! D: I don't know what happened. She says he's fine, she went in and picked him up, rocked him for a while til he started kicking and squirming and wanted to get down. She said she wouldn't let him, because he knew darn good and well it was bed time (which is true, he's pretty damn smart), so she decided to let him cry it out. And he did. At the highest pitch he could.

He's out now, apparently he reared back and screamed like a freaking banshee, then plopped down and fell right asleep.

:( I didn't hear my baby cry.

I don't know how I feel about this...

I'll decide on a Fear tomorrow... I think I'm too... I dunno what I am...

Am I a bad mom?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that makes you a bad mom. If anything, it was a fluke, just a one-time mistake. It's not like he was right next to your ear or anything; you just didn't hear him, it's fine. In my opinion.
