Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bad Nightmares

Ever since I can remember, I've had crazy nightmares.

I mean, I don't ALWAYS have nightmares, but when I do, they're just...

They're bad.

Good morning, by the way. Every other day, me and Danny take a shower together. I like to wait until AFTER he's had his morning smelly diaper, because otherwise it's all over the bathroom and he thinks it's hilarious to smear it everywhere... Totally not lying, it's absolutely disgusting. D: So we wait. Sometimes it's during his breakfast, sometimes right after, and other times he'll wait til like, noon. He's a little sporadic.

Was that too much information?

Ah well; it's my blog, I can say what I want. :D

Nightmares. Right.

So, after the fiasco last night with Danny flipping out, in which he woke up again just after I'd posted, I finally got him to lie down without me in the room. Turned off everything downstairs, took some sleep meds, and when I got back to our room, he was out. For about an hour, anyway. He woke up again, and I pulled him right in bed with me. Out like a light. :3 And then the nightmares started.

I don't entirely remember how it started, but the beginning I remember had me and my little brother, running through our old house, being chased by zombie cartoon characters.

I shit you not, that's exactly what the fuck happened.

We were like, 13 and 14, I think. Young, but not too young. I had a shotgun, he had the rifle, and we were hiding in the porch. That was where Mom used to sit on her computer and work, or play her games, and smoke her cigarettes. We had cocker spaniels as kids, and they were all there. All 5 of them. I think, anyway; I didn't see Mitzi (she was our "Itsy Bitsy Mitzi"). Anyway, one by one the zombies picked off the dogs. I remember seeing Maddy all ripped in the middle, and Larry had no eyes or nose... The others just disappeared.

Anyway, my brother and I were in the porch, with our guns, when... I don't know, somehow the zombies opened up the sliding glass door and took him. He screamed and screamed and they pulled him away and left me alone. I busted out into the kitchen, and started running, trying to find him. I heard him crying behind a closet door, mumbling something about Eddy from that Cartoon Network show, Ed, Edd and Eddy. It was his favorite when we were kids. I turned around, and there it was. Zombie Eddy. I went to try and shoot his head off, but he was too fast, and had his jaws on the barrel. Freaking the fuck out, I grabbed his jaw and ripped it off.

Yeah, I guess I'm like, Wonder Woman in my nightmares? xD

I ripped his jaw off, and he didn't stop coming at me, so I bashed his face in with his jaw.  I yanked open the door to find my brother, but it turned into a long hallway... That didn't make sense, I knew that door was our movie closet. That's where Mom stashed all the Disney VHS's (haha, dating myself here) and his Batman cartoons and the TMNT Live Action movies...

I followed the hallway, Eddy's jaw and my shotgun in tow. I knew I'd find my brother, he had to be there somewhere. And sure enough, he was. I found another door, opened it, and there he was, in a ball on the floor, rifle clutched to his chest like it was a security blanket or something. I got him up to his feet, and we started running back down the hallway. Got back to the first door, and there were zombies EVERYWHERE. I ripped them apart with my bare hands, my brother behind me, and we made our way back to the porch. We stayed in a corner, the doors shut with dowels in the sliding door grooves, me still holding that jaw.

Then the outside glass door opened. I don't know how, I'd put a dowel in the doorway there, but it opened.

The Slender Man was there. He opened the door.

There was a terrible sound, like that VVVRRRRR noise tv's sometimes make when a VHS film is all fucked up? Do you know that sound?

And then I woke up.

Danny was asleep next to me, it was a quarter past 7, and I had to pee.


It was a weird nightmare, I'll say that. I haven't had a good zombie nightmare since we left our old city.

Danny woke up about a half hour later, all smiles and wanting to climb up on me. We got up, I fed him breakfast, and then we came downstairs while we wait for the inevitable smelly pants so we can take our shower.

That's it.

I don't know what the dream was about, but I don't feel like evaluating my subconscious right now. I want to take that damn shower so I can stop feeling like I have a grease bomb on my head. Danny's playing with his Kiwi toy, tv's on PBS, and I can't seem to get a hold of my boyfriend. I feel like going back to bed. Sleep meds make me so groggy in the morning.

I think we'll do a post on The Grotesque later. I feel it appropriate, after that nightmare. As for now, I'm gonna go play with Danny. He always cheers me up. ^_^

Toodles! ^_~v

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