So Danny had his appointment with the orthotist today.
That's a doctor who like... ... Er, fuck, they give you like, prosthetics and shit? I don't even know, I'd have to look it up and I'm lazy.
I just know she gave him his helmet.
We went from 10 mm difference to 5. :D
Someone's finally hitting growth spurts.
Danny's always been pretty small for his age. Short, stocky, little, whatever. He's my midget man. Then again, I'm only 5'2.
Cool thing is, we can start taking off the helmet during the day, if I want. As long as it's on for naps and sleep, he can go without.
I want to wait a little longer, see if we can't get down to 0. :3 I WANT HIM TO BE AS PERFECT AS CAN BE. Not that he's not already perfect, but y'know, head shape.
So, that's awesome. :3
I still haven't decided which fear to do next. I'm debating between The Quiet and The Dying Man, though the second is seriously hard to do.
I can hear Danny playing on the monitor. I'd put him down for a nap, though he slept a little in the car ride home. It's only a half hour drive, so he really could stand more sleep, but kid's fighting like Muhammad Ali.
Still waiting on my assistance for the month. I should check that. Remind me later. Then I can get presents. :D I mean, Danny doesn't need any more toys, he has so many I've had to use two 50 quart bins plus that blue bucket thing. And those don't even fit the big toys, like his car or his lion scooter, or his barnyard. I need to donate some of these toys. His bouncy chair thing, that's very gently used condition. His infant car seat, though... I need to figure out what to do with it.
I want more kids someday, but how long do I want to hold on to a car seat? :/
Besides, the rules and regulations change every couple years, so it might not even be considered safe by the time I have a second baby.
And I want AT LEAST two. Maybe three. Four's pushing it.
But definitely at least two.
Le sigh...
Why did James have to be such a fuck-ass? Seriously, we make beautiful babies and I want more beautiful babies, and I wouldn't mind having babies with him if he weren't such a dick during pregnancy.
Pretty much saying I don't want babies with him ever again.
He'll grow up someday.
With a lot of guidance.
And ass-kicking. He could use a good ass-kicking.
I'm bored. :/
My uncle's mom gave him a printer. Like, top of the line, super nifty fax/printer. It's pretty sweet.
It's broken.
... Or at least, that's what she claims.
I dunno, my uncle forgot what she said was wrong with it.
Right before saying I could fix it if I wanted.
... >_>
He was gonna take it in to the shop to get repaired, but the guy behind the counter said it wasn't worth it, it'd be cheaper to buy a new one than even have them look at the damn thing.
And you want ME to fix it?
Whatever, I said I'd take a look, I may as well. I have nothing better to do. I finished Rapture, started work on a spooky blog (got three posts up, but I don't want to ruin the surprise that it's mine yet, so you'll just have to waiiiit!), and am quite a few posts into Zeke Strahm's blog Seeking Truth. I'm here, to be precise. And I'm enjoying this blog IMMENSELY!!!!! Whoever wrote this, oh my God I give you hearts.
Not as many as Jordan, because he's a sweetheart and I wouldn't mind making him my plaything, but I still give you hearts.
Ope, Danny fell asleep.
So I made a delicious sandwich for lunch. :3 My uncle's been marinading THE HUGEST CHICKEN BREASTS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE in something super fucking spicy and omnomnom-worthy, and I put it on Italian bread with mayo and Lorraine cheese. Woulda had a slice of lettuce, but THESE TWO WEIRDO PEOPLE I LIVE WITH USED THE REST OF THE HEAD FOR A FUCKING SALAD.
I'm not a salad person.
I mean, I'll eat it, but not if given other options.
It's not that I don't like vegetables, because I looooove veggies.
I actually hate lettuce.
>_> I'm so serious.
Lettuce is boring, has no taste, is predominantly water and has little to no nutritional value to it.
You put it on stuff for the crunchy sound.
Or in this case, because this chicken is super fucking hot and the water would help cool my tongue down. And the crunchy. :3
Oh well, last bite.
^w^ omnomnomnomnom...
I need soda. :/ Drank my last Mt Dew last night, and I am not a happy camper about it. But I don't get food stamps til the 10th, so I'll have to live without.
Which sucks, because they help stem off the migraines.
Did you know they put caffeine into migraine medication?
Do you know why they do that?
Because caffeine helps make the aspirin and acetaminophen work faster, and when you have a fucking migraine, you need that shit gone ASAP yo.
So, migraine people should drink caffeinated beverages with their medications. Though, you shouldn't drink too many, because caffeine overdoses are bad juju, and it is an addictive substance. And that crash sucks balls.
It doesn't really do much to me, except help get rid of my headaches, but I love the taste of Mt Dew. Diet Coke, too. I can't drink regular Coke, I don't know why, and don't even make me touch Pepsi.
I also like flat pop.
I don't mind the missing fizzies.
James thought that was the most insane thing about me.
Okay, time for some cancer.
Help me decide, folks: Dying Man, or The Quiet?
EDIT: 3:50 PM
We got our assistance! Food stamps too. Which is weird, they aren't supposed to come in til the 10th. o_O I'll call my worker tomorrow, see what she says. Maybe it's their way of saying "Sorry for fucking up the paperwork, Tasha!" While that would be convenient, that's not usually how it works. Better to be safe and call Lori, than sorry and be forced to pay the state back. Government is fickle like that.
Really wish I had someone to talk to right about now. :/
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