Feeling a little better now...
Still very anxious, but at least I can kind of breathe. That's always a plus.
Ugh. o_e;
The Choir
Echo, Chorus, Static, Distortion, SHRIEKING, PRE 07
I don't know how many people have been following along with the stuff about my life, but I have a phenomena in my head similar to this Fear. That's why I wanted to do it, if only to help explain a little. Maybe, y'know, not sound to damn crazy.
Ha, yeah, like that's gonna happen? :D
So, Choir.
This Fear's actually kind of cool, if you think about it out of context.
It has the ability to make you hear things.
Like, bad things people say about you.
Except they're not actually saying these things. You just think they are because, seriously, you heard that guy over there call you a fat whore and you know damn good and well your ears don't lie, fucking jerkass who the hell does this guy think he is saying shit about you like you don't hear?!
It'll even do this blatantly to your face.
Say your best friend in the whole world tells you they think you're amazing. Choir will obfuscate it so you hear, "You're a failure, nobody likes you."
That kind of stuff.
The difference between going batshit crazy and actually being effected by this fear is the blur.
You'll see it in the far reaches of your peripheral vision, a grayish blur, like your eyes aren't focusing correctly at the edges. That's how you know.
The point of the Fear is to isolate you, force you to hate the world around you. It controls sound, distorts sound, changes sound to change you. It wants to drive you to the brink of madness.
I guess you could consider it passive-aggressive, though it has been known to directly attack a victim by, essentially, rupturing the eardrum and causing massive hemorrhaging in the inner ear and brain via high-pitched frequencies or louder-than-possible volumes. Ooey gooey bloody guts. :D
I don't know what causes it to choose a victim, or if I should be saying Them instead of It, because if you've read Jordan's Rapture story there are two and they're called The Musicians and I think that makes a lot more sense to have two "bodies" working together to conspire against a person. Fuck, just as an example, let's look at Flotsam and Jetsam from Disney's The Little Mermaid! It was hella easy to convince Ariel to go to Ursula with the two of them filling her head with blahblabhlah than it would have been with only one eel. Or like, for another Disney example, the two Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp. They antagonized Lady so hardcore that she just couldn't hold back and tried to attack the shit out of them. Too bad the old lady was there, those fucking cats deserved to be shanked.
I don't like cats, for the record.
Two is better than one, especially when you're trying to put pressure on one's mind to do something or think something one normally wouldn't.
Now, I'm not aware of this Fear having a FoS, and given that, canonically, it doesn't have a physical body or proxies or anything, I can understand why. Though, it'd be kind of cool if it did. Be all like, Phantom of the Opera shit, with some fucked up kind of pipe organ that could mess up sound with the stroke of a key, driving anyone who hears it mad.
So srs right now.
I will find you. o_o<
So anyway, I mentioned in the last post how my uncle pissed me off.
My aunt and I were talking about sex ed, back when we were little.
She remembers being handed a little pamphlet in 4th grade, explaining the menstrual cycle and how everyone kept it a big hush-hush secret until that point because, y'know, don't want to corrupt children and what have you.
I remember the boys and the girls were split into groups, and the boys went off to their classroom and we went to ours and they made us watch a video explaining it then gave us a little paper bag with a pad and deodorant and a toothbrush, and everyone got those little candy color-staining thingies that turned plaque build-up on your teeth purple. :') Everyone ate them at recess and we chased each other around the playground, screaming about monsters and zombies. IT WAS AWESOME.
Then we talked about how my high school taught abstinence-only sex-ed, and the only thing we learned was what STDs look like and how painful that baby delivery video looked. We didn't learn about, say, where you could get condoms, or how they were put on correctly, or anything about birth control, or signs/symptoms of pregnancy, or anything HELPFUL.
That's when my uncle walked in and started bitching about how it was my mother's job to teach me that kind of stuff. "Did your mother not care about your health? It's not the school's job to teach you that kind of stuff."
Um, it kind of is, seeing as it's related to health and they make you take health class and that would make sense, y'know...
"So she didn't care about your health?"
Did I say that?
"You aren't answering the question."
I don't feel it's your place to ask a question such as that.
"Then obviously she didn't care, or you would have answered it!"
Or you're just being rude and I don't feel it appropriate to respond to such an outlandish request.
"There's my answer, she didn't care because you don't want to answer!"
Fine. She didn't care. Are you happy now?
"No? Your mother obviously didn't care enough about her own children to teach them about their health!"
You know what? Why don't you ask her yourself next time she's over here, see how well a response you get then. I'm done talking about it.
"I will! I will ask her to her face why she didn't care enough about you to teach you about sexual health!"
And I'll go right to your mother and ask her how she raised such a rude boy to be such a boisterous, arduous adult.
"At least my mother taught me about my health!"
She apparently missed the part about manners and when to keep your mouth shut, didn't she?
And that's when my aunt stepped in and told him to shut the hell up before she shut him up.
Yeah, he gets like that a lot...
Remind me to tell you about the remote/xbox argument we got into after I first moved in. THAT was fuckin' ridiculous. >_<
Oh! I forgot.
I was going to kind of try to explain my Sound again.
... Fuck it, why don't you go back a few posts or so and find it yourself? Quit being such a lazy ass and jumping around, you're supposed to read a blog from beginning to end like a normal person. I gotta find something to eat, haven't had anything since yesterday afternoon.
:D I forget to eat a lot.
Like, I have no appetite? I dunno, it started when I was pregnant and hasn't stopped since.
And I need to finish reading Rapture, I'm almost done. I'm on this post, so I'm almost all caught up. I really hope I don't finish before Jordan gets back from Finland, because I'm gonna be sooooooooo bored otherwise. D:
Once again, I'm gonna ask you, the reader: which Fear should we do next? We've done 10 now, and there's only like, 12 or 13 left. I forget. :D I can always look it up on the wiki, I'm just too lazy right now.
Leave comments down below, don't be shy! I promise I don't bite too hard. ;3
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