Tuesday, February 12, 2013


So today I spent about 2.5 hours working on my resume.


I want to kill it with fire...

Not that it's bad, it's not. I just... It's so much business thinking... Like, you have to tailor it to whatever you're applying for.

I have a list of 12 jobs I'm interested; a couple teller positions, some receptionist/secretary posts, a special needs employment officer spot, a few customer service/sales slots... And one daycare job. Because why the fuck not?

I still need to look up daycare for Danny... I keep putting it off. I have the paperwork filled out and ready to go...

I can't bring myself to fax it in.


Ugh, I need sleep. It's way past this mama's bedtime, and I have a psychiatrist appointment at 10 we need to be ready for, and laundry to do, and some groceries to get that my aunt forgot to put on the list, and plans to make for Thursday... Fuckin' Valentine's Day... Double ugh!

Fuck it. Good night. Will try to do a fear post tomorrow night, if I need a break from resume shit. Which I will. Because fuck.

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