Sunday, January 13, 2013

xD Oh my

Danny hit Send. xD

Oh well, I'm kinda done, I guess.

All I know is, I now have hardcore evil dirt on the c-ntbag Anna, and James doesn't even care that he's cheating on her. But he's always been one, I don't even care. I don't mind sharing too much, as long as I'm on top of the pile. :3

That sounds fucked up.

... It kind of is. xD

Greetings From My Email!

Just doing another quick update, so, y'know, you guys don't think I fell off the face of the planet or something.


Yeah, he has his dad's last name. It was my choice, fuck y'all.

So I baked a two-layered Funfetti call (white cake with sprinkles in the batter so the cake has little color dots in them), did the frosting, made a meat+cheese platter, devined a whole bag of grapes, wrapped all his presents, got the drinks ready, got our clothes set out for the party, and now I'm just relaxing a bit while he naps.

Gizmo's daughter's party was... okay.

We ended up staying the night, which was not my idea at all. But, James and I had a chance to sit down and really talk things out.

He missed me too.

Remember how I said we used to be best friends?

We get to be best friends again. :)

Though, he STILL won't let me kill Anna, even though I said Pretty Please. :P

We both got to sing Happy Birthday to our son.

^w^ I'm really happy about this.

He's staying at Gizmo's place for the next few weeks, and we've planned a bunch of stuff for the three of us to do as a family.

About damn time.


So people on the Fear forums have been giving Jordan some flack about Rapture.

>\ Rawr, that's not nice at all.

I mean, constructive criticism isn't bad, but it sounded more like attacks.

I am very protective of my "kids," people.

And Jordan is mine. I claim him.

... Well, I'll be exceedingly protective of the boy, anyway. That came out wrong. xD

He is my friend. Is that more clear?


*sorry, party started at 3 and I forgot to hit Send**

Ah! That went surprisingly well!! ^w^

Everyone enjoyed the cracker platter thing and the grapes, and my cake was beyond perfect. :D Danny got lots of fun presents, mostly clothes (I requested this, he got so many toys for Christmas we don't have room for more!), my maternal grandpa came and gave us $75 in gift cards (one for me, one for Danny), and it was just a great afternoon all around. :3

I miss James already. Once everyone left, I felt super lonely again. :(

We both love Rock Band, you see...

:D Haha, that's not why. It's true, though! We played all our favorite songs, even Paradise By The Dashboard Light. <3<3<3 JORDAN! THAT SONG ROCKS, LISTEN TO IT!

But really, I miss my best friend.

... And sex. Missing sex hardcore right now.

WHAT?? I'm an adult, and apparently he's so sick of his fiancé he could puke. His words, not mine. And I'm still pretty, he wanted me to explain that he never thought I wasn't, he just doesn't find pregnant women SEXUALLY attractive.

I don't understand the difference, personally.

He wasn't terribly happy with my post about him, but he said he understood why I felt that way and I should've spoken up. I tend to internalize everything.