Thursday, February 7, 2013

Brain Overload

My uncle's brother decided to pay us a visit.

I've been playing host all fucking day.

On Thursdays, Danny and I have a playdate at the local ECLC (early childhood learning center). I missed the memo saying tonight's session was cancelled.


I've been running like a chicken with my head cut off all fucking day.

The reason I'm saying this is, I won't be doing a Fear post tonight, either. We have to get up early, take my aunt to work, go to a meeting with my employment counselor, go to a WIC meeting, pick up my aunt, make dinner, and at some point call my social worker and print off paperwork to send to the pastor doing Danny's baptism.

To be fair, I'm not extremely religious. I think, if you want to be something, that's fine, but it should be your choice.

I'm doing it because I don't want my mother to hold it against me.

I'm tough and shit, but that woman terrifies me to pieces.

Victim mentality.

So I'm getting it done. Besides, it'll mean a lot to James' sister Penny and my brother Mikey to be Danny's godparents. And it'll mean everybody will be together, and that's important to me.


I AM HOPING AND PRAYING TOMORROW ISN'T TOO CRAZY. I don't know if my anxiety will let me handle it otherwise.


Psychiatrist put me on liquid Prozac.

Did you know it comes in a liquid?

:D I can't swallow pills. Gag reflex goes nuts. Awesome.

It helps; I feel calmer, as long as my day is calm-ish. If it's crazy, I still get panic attacks. They're a little easier to handle, but they're still bad. :/

Danny has a molar.


Two days of obscenely fussy baby, followed by 20 hours of sleep. O_o

And now the others are coming.


Um... What else...

Oh, I made Danny a scarf to match his hat and mittens! And it has tassles!!! Next I want to make a sweater, since it should be warming up soon. Then I told James I'd make him something, and I got some cute yarn to make myself a sweater.

Actually, I have a cute pattern for a sweater/tank top, so I'm probably going to make that. With a hood. I love hooded tops! :3

I need yarn for Danny's blanket. I couldn't find it at Walmart. :( I'll have to look again next month; I kinda squandered this month's cash. I got our necessities, then went shopping. For fun stuff. For me.

What? I rarely get stuff for myself that I'll actually USE. Usually I get a shirt, or pants, because I need them. I did get those crayons, and now I have crochet stuff.

It feels good to create again. :3 I used to make bead jewelry. Sold it and everything. But I gave it away in the move here. Besides, Danny can't choke on yarn. ... As long as I keep scraps out of his mouth. Learned that the hard way. o_o

I need sleep. It's nearly half past 10. I gotta set my alarm.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I did mention January is a crazy month for me; always is. I always overbook myself, what with my birthday, and now Danny's birthday, and New Year's, and so on...

OH! Y'all missed my birthday!

It was last week, on Monday.

January 29th, 1990.

Happy birthday to me. :3

Okay, bed time. Night!

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